Saturday, 17 February 2018

Street art

Blog number 50, time flies.
Recently I wrote about murals in Warsaw (click), explaining the difference with street art and showing you some photos I took.

Today I will write about street art, Warsaw is full of it if you look good. Again I made some photos so you can see what I am writing about here.

First of all there's a lot of funny things like on Agrykola, close to the famous Łazienki Park. There a few concrete road blocks were placed to prevent cars from entering. A free spirit turned them into Pacman characters :)

A little further there's a traffic sign turned into the below, inspired by Edvard Münch's famous painting "The scream", encouraging you to scream.

The following ones I found in the Śródmiescie disrrict between my school and central station.

Stencil art

Stencil art. Warsaw by night

Stencil art. Warsaw, what you've done to me

Zyj kolorowo: Live colorfully

In the Wola district I found the following gems.

"I am some art"

"I am some art"

And my favorite, also from the Wola district:

What you see are bulletholes from ww2, patched up with symbolic band aids. This is the wall of "Fabryka Norblina" (Norblin Factory) which played an important role during the war. It was a metal factory and one of the products produced there was high quality rifle ammunition  Heavy fighting took place here, as you can understand the Germans' desire of seizing this strategical place.

Besides murals and street art there is another form of popular art here: spray, graffiti. Soon I will blog about it, stay tuned!

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