Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Polish superstitions (4-6)

A while ago I wrote about Polish superstitions. Three were handled, but there are more.

Many more. This week I will write about another three. Starting with dwarfs.

Can’t find something? Ask the dwarfs
This method applies to all things lost at home. Just step out of the room where the lost item should be, close the door behind you, and then loudly tell the dwarfs: ‘Play and put away’. You will not see those little friends, but they are there.

The missing item will then show up. I tried myself, with mixed results.

Where there’s a squirrel, there’s smoke
Another superstition says that a squirrel on a roof is a sign of fire closeby. So if you notice one of those little creatures on top of your house, don’t hesitate: call the fire department.

I did not see any on roofs so far. There are tons of them in the city, in the various parks. A while ago we were sitting at a bus stop and mister squirrel did not bother and just sat next to us :-)

A chimney sweep, a priest & a white horse
Encountering a chimney sweep is said to bring good luck in many cultures, don't ask me why. In Poland, however, for the superstition to work you need them to ‘confirm’ the good luck by grabbing one of your buttons. Another variation of this belief which is super-Polish: There’s nothing better than seeing a chimney sweep, a priest and a white horse in a row. That combination is the best omen of them all.

This one will make Polish people laugh I bet. I have this feeling that no-one has ever heard of it and my source was taking the piss outta me :)

Thanks for reading folks, cheerio

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